Synopsis: Nearly a decade after the first crewed mission to Mars ended in disaster, Rosa Collins struggles to help her father rebuild their private space exploration company. But her astronaut mother's memory won't leave her in peace. Can Rosa help set things right, or will history repeat itself? Genre: Drama Running Time: Approx. 70 minutes Cast: 3 Note: This play is currently in development
Dead People
Synopsis: Gale Boatswain, a forensic pathologist at a hospital morgue, just wants to be left alone with his grim work and his obsessive-compulsive rituals. When a young woman named Poppy sneaks into the morgue, it throws Boatswain’s carefully-ordered life into disarray and forces both of them to disclose their secrets, face their own vulnerabilities, and confront the ghosts of their pasts. Genre: Dark comedy/Drama Running Time: Approx. 75 minutes Cast: 2 Coming soon: Read on the NPX
The Mourner
Synopsis: Reema comes to Glade Family Funeral Home and Cemetery with an unusual request – she wants to bury the body of her cousin, the perpetrator of a gruesome terrorist attack that left dozens injured and several dead. Eleanor, the funeral home owner, refuses, and the two women are thrown into a struggle over the fate of the body in this loose adaptation of Antigone inspired by real events following the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. Genre: Drama Running Time: Approx. 2 hours Cast: 5 Read on the NPX.
Synopsis: Ninety is the new thirty at the turn of the 22nd century. When Marin refuses to take the anti-aging drug celebrated by the rest of society, she invokes her mother's ire and risks becoming marginalized in a culture that worships youth, denies death, and treats old age as a malady. When Marin's choice begins to affect not only her but the people she loves, will she hold out, or cave to social pressure? Genre: Drama Running Time: Approx. 95 minutes Cast: 6 Read on the NPX. La Fée Verte
Synopsis: When France bans absinthe in 1914, struggling poet Marmion fears he will lose his only source of inspiration. He authors a petition against the ban, aided by Dennis, a suicidally depressed bartender who drinks in order to hallucinate his deceased fiancée. But Marmion’s brother Mallory, a Catholic priest with his own secret addiction, is determined to keep the ban in place. As the three men’s agendas clash, each must discover the source of his dependence on the “Green Fairy.” Genre: Comedy Cast: 4 Running time: Approx. 2 hours Read on the NPX.
Caeneus and Poseidon
Synopsis: A verse play inspired by the Greek myth of Caeneus, a young man who was assigned female at birth. After the sea-god Poseidon grants his wish for a new body, Caeneus feels compelled to hide his former identity from all but his closest friend, Hippodamia, as he seeks the acceptance of his kinsmen and community. But as he and Hippodamia begin a relationship that challenges their society’s strict social order, and as a vengeful Poseidon works behind the scenes to bring about Caeneus’ downfall, the young man must find the strength to openly embrace his identity and his past. Genre: Drama Running Time: Approx. 90 minutes Cast: 8+ Read on the NPX.
The Execution of Croesus
Synopsis: After waging a doomed war on Persia, King Croesus is imprisoned, along with his wife Lissandra and son Lydus, while the victorious King Cyrus determines their fate. Croesus, tormented by his conviction that he is a pawn of the Fates, yearns only to be executed—and is prepared to drag his family with him. Meanwhile, Cyrus’ son Cambyses and daughter Atossa have their own wishes for the captives. As the characters try to outmaneuver one another, the battle over Croesus’ life becomes more desperate and ruthless, until it is settled in an unexpected way. Loosely based on an account by Herodotus, The Execution of Croesus is an original take on a classical story that explores the age-old question of free will versus fate. Genre: Drama/tragedy Cast: 7 Running time: 60-70 minutes